Lab alumni

  1. Thuy Dinh - technician - now physician's assistant

  2. Tsuyoshi Uehara - postdoctoral fellow - currently Lab Head in Antibacterial Discovery, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research

  3. Catherine Paradis-Bleau - postdoctoral fellow - currently Assistant professor, University of Montreal

  4. Monica Markovski - graduate student - currently Staff fellow, FDA

  5. Desiree Yang - graduate student - currently Postdoctoral fellow, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

  6. Nick Peters - postdoctoral fellow - currently Assistant professor, Iowa St. University

  7. Andrew Fenton - postdoctoral fellow - currently Lecturer, University of Sheffield

  8. Lamya El Mortaji - postdoctoral fellow - currently Postdoctoral fellow, Pasteur Institute

  9. Ghee Chuan Lai - graduate student - currently Postdoctoral fellow, National University of Singapore

  10. Mary-Jane Tsang - graduate student - currently Postdoctoral fellow, MIT

  11. Derek Lau - postdoctoral fellow - currently Lecturer in residence, Department of Biology, Emmanuel College

  12. Rachel Yunck - graduate student - currently Technology specialist at Clark+Elbing LLP

  13. Chris Lok-To Sham - graduate student - currently Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore

  14. Neil Greene - postdoctoral fellow - currently Director of Medical Laboratory Science Undergraduate Program and Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Rhode Island

  15. Michael Tom - graduate student - currently HST MD student, Harvard Medical School

  16. Sue Sim - research associate - currently Graduate student, University of California - Berkeley

  17. Grasiela Torres - undergraduate research assistant - currently Research associate, Harvard Medical School

  18. Jackson Buss - postdoctoral fellow - currently Scientist, New England Biolabs

  19. Ting Pang - postdoctoral fellow - currently Senior member of technical staff, Draper Laboratory, Cambridge

  20. Hongbaek Cho - postdoctoral fellow - currently Assistant professor, Department of Biological Sciences at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea

  21. Melissa Robinson - postdoctoral fellow.

  22. Jessica Borhunter - graduate student - currently CPEP clinical microbiology fellow, University of Rochester

  23. Patty Rohs - graduate student - currently Postdoctoral fellow, Baylor College of Medicine

  24. Anastasiya Yakhnina - postdoctoral fellow - currently Lab director of the Paulson lab, Harvard Medical School

  25. Coralie Fumeaux - postdoctoral fellow - currently Group leader, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

  26. Thao Truong - graduate student - currently CPEP Medical Microbiology and Public Health Postdoctoral Fellow, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles/University of Southern California

  27. Simosenkosi Nkomboni - research technician - currently Master’s student in Public Health, Tulane University

  28. Jeanna Qiu - undergraduate research assistant - currently Medical student at Harvard Medical School

  29. Hoong Chuin Lim - postdoctoral fellow - currently Senior Scientist, Manifold Biotechnologies

  30. Joel Sher - graduate student - currently Computational Scientist, TScan Therapeutics

  31. Marios Sardis - currently Senior Scientist at Evolved by Nature

  32. Nicole Marquez Reyes - currently graduate student at University of Minnesota

  33. Grasiela Torres - currently graduate student at University of California Los Angeles

  34. Triet Doan - undergraduate student at Harvard University

  35. Josue Flores-Kim - principal investigator - Flores-Kim lab - UMass Medical School

  36. Alix Dachsbeck - currently PhD Student in Collet lab at Institut de Duve, UCLouvain, Belgium

  37. Camilla Jensen - Visiting postdoctoral researcher - University of Copenhagen, Denmark

  38. Zhaoqi Li - postdoctoral fellow - currently Senior Scientist, Immunology at Tango Therapeutics, Boston, MA

  39. Evan Lyerly - research technician - currently MD student

  40. Caroline Midonet - postdoctoral fellow - currently consultant at Clearview Healthcare Partners Newton, MA

  41. Alison Forchoh - undergrad research assistant

  42. Matt Seibel - research tecnician - currently graduate student at John Hopkins University

  43. Kate Hummels - postdoctoral fellow - currently principal investigator at the Hummels lab - University of Georgia, Athens, GA

  44. Andrea Vettiger - postdoctoral fellow - currently principal investigator at the Vettiger lab - Department of Fundamental Microbiology at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland

  45. Paula Navarro - postdoctoral fellow - currently principal investigator at the Navarro lab - Department of Fundamental Microbiology at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland

  46. Zabari Bell - Post-Baccalaureate Fellow

  47. Su Yee Mon - undergraduate lab assistant

  48. Elayne Fivenson - graduate student - currently postdoctoral research fellow at MIT, Cambridge, MA

  49. Thomas Bartlett - postdoctoral fellow - currently principal investigator at Bartlett lab at the Wadsworth Center, Albany, NY

  50. Melanie Justice - undergrad research assistant

  51. Angelika Grundling - visiting professor on sabbatical - Imperial College London